If Theres Very Bad Weather During a Airsoft Game Do They Cancel It at Ballahack

If Theres Very Bad Weather During a Airsoft Game Do They Cancel It at Ballahack


All players must have a field approved barrel pocketbook to keep BB's from escaping their barrel when in the no-fire zones. When players are on the field, they MUST Not remove their eye protection for Whatever REASON. If a actor needs to defog their middle protection, they must make their way back to the no-fire zone.

Eye/Face Protection

Centre protection

All heart protection must exist full seal, be rated to resist impacts and have retention. Mesh goggles are not allowed unless another form of heart protection is worn underneath I.E. Shop glasses. We DO Non allow Oakley MFRAMES with our without the Helo Kit Addon.

Age Restrictions

  • Ages x-11 – must habiliment full-confront paintball mask

  • Ages 12-15 – may wear full-confront paintball mask, or full seal goggles and mesh or difficult plastic lower face protection that covers the lower face and ears.

  • Ages 16-17 – must vesture full seal goggles and lower mesh or hard plastic that covers the lower face.

  • Ages 18+ – can wear merely full seal glasses with retention; nevertheless full face protection is notwithstanding recommended.

Weapons Restrictions

Feet Per Second Limitations

All weapons are chronographed with either .twenty gram, .twoscore gram, or .45 gram bbs at the Field'southward discretion.  HPA and Gas rifles must exist chronographed with .40 gram bbs to business relationship for joule creep and remain nether the joule limit. HPA guns are subject to having Tournament Locks applied to their regulators. BINARY TRIGGERS ARE NOT PERMITTED.

Pistols / Shotguns

must be under 400 FPS west.20s or 1.49j

(0) ft MED on semi / 50 ft MED on Full)

SMGs / Rifles / LMGs

must be under 420 FPS w/.20s or 1.64 j
(25ft MED on semi / fifty ft MED on Full)

Qualifying DMRs(semi locked)

must be under 475 FPS w/ .20s or 2.09j
(50ft MED)

Qualifying MMGs

must be under 475 FPS w/.20s or 2.09j
(75ft MED)

Bolt Action Sniper Rifles

must be under 550 FPS west/.20s or 2.81j
(75ft MED)

Grenade Shower Shells

(50ft MED)

Charge per unit OF FIRE:

No weapon may shoot over 25 rounds per 2nd

New Weapon Class Qualifications

We accept not taken away anything from our previous regulations with the exception to full motorcar MEDs.  Nosotros take just added new Weapon classes with new MEDs.  If your weapon shoots inside a lower energy category it will accept the lower MED for that category.


Examples of qualifying 7.62 NATO or higher DMR replicas:

SR25, PSG1, G3A3/G3A4/G3SG1, Dragunov (AEG or HPA), G28/HK417, SCAR-H SSR/Mk20, M14/EBR


Replicas which do not qualify equally DMRs:
M16, Mk12 SPR, G3SAS/MC51, VSS/VAL, SCAR-50, Ruger x/22


Examples of qualifying vii.62 NATO or higher MMG replicas:

PKM, BAR, M1919, MG42, M60, M240, Mk48, HK21, M134 Minigun


Replicas which exercise not qualify as MMGs:

M249/SAW, Stoner LMG, RPK, RPD, M27 IAR, MG36, L86 LSW, Shrike/Krytac LMG, Microgun


No Burn down Zones

All no-fire zones will be conspicuously marked. All airsoft guns will be safed, the magazine will be ejected and a barrel bag must be placed on the gun at all times in no burn down zones. Center protection will exist worn at all times exterior of the no burn zones.


All boundaries are clearly marked with yellow caution record. Exercise not cross outside of or shoot through the yellow caution tape.

Prohibited Items

Firearms and Live Ammunition, Any blade longer than iv inches, Mace, Pepper Spray or any other nonlethal weapon, Improvised airsoft grenades, Pyrotechnic devices(Excluding Enola Gaye EG25 & WP40), Potato guns or any compressed air launcher, Riot shields or ballistic shields. Admittedly no alcohol or drugs are allowed to be consumed on the property.

Field Marshals

Field Marshals are the supreme authority on the field. They are here to give players a fun safe time. Please be respectful and comply with all requests from Marshals. Marshals must exist informed of any gameplay bug and real world emergencies.

Striking Calling

Airsoft is an honor sport, the game hinges on the integrity of the players. A striking anywhere to the torso or gear of a player counts as a striking. Ricochets do not count, nor do gun hits, or friendly burn down. When hit a role player should yell "HIT" equally loud equally possible, raise his or her dead rag, and assume a nonthreatening position. Dead players may non talk, or communicate in whatever fashion with other players.


All players MUST carry two dead rags (Loftier VIS RED, Orange, Pinkish) on them at all times and shop them in ii separate locations.  This dominion ensures that if one dead rag is lost the histrion will non create confusion being "dead" without an available dead rag for their head. REFRAIN from wearing RED head coverings as this tin be confusing while y'all are live.

Respawn and Medics

A respawn is a designated surface area that dead players tin can walk to, tap and come back to life. Players must go all the style to respawn. They cannot get-go on the way to respawn and stop for any reason before reaching their respawn betoken. Medics are designated players who can heal dead frindlies back to life by tapping them for sixty full seconds. Anyone can movement a dead friendly player by maintaining physical contact. Medics may not shoot or move while healing a expressionless player. Medics may only healy dead friendlies on the first floors of buildings unless otherwise briefed.

Rules of Engagement

Attempt and aim for center mass when at all possible. Blind firing is not allowed, weapons should e'er exist shouldered and players should have the ability to aim down the sights when firing. All weapons must be on semi automated inside of buildings. Full auto burn is prohibited inside fifty anxiety. Don't shoot through small holes or cracks; if your head can fit through the opening, you can shoot through the opening.


When you lot come out to play Airsoft, attitude is super important. If you have a bad mental attitude, you will likely have a bad fourth dimension. Requite other players the do good of the uncertainty, and remember we are all out playing BBwars in the woods with our friends!

That beingness said, all of the following bear the penalization of expulsion from the field if violated:

  • Whatsoever language that is deemed verbally aggressive I.E. threats, slurs, vulgar gestures, condescending language.
  • Any concrete aggression or unwanted physical contact. I. E. hit grabbing, shooting outside of gameplay.
  • Theft from private persons or the field.
  • All patrons are expected to act with integrity and maturity. Anyone who becomes a danger to themselves or the field will be ejected course the facility immediately.

When coming to Ballahack Airsoft, there is an expectation that players will pay the admission fees to accept part in the Airsoft experience that we provide. If Whatsoever player is plant to have not paid the access fees but has played on the field, they volition be sent dwelling house and permanently banned from our facilities

Airsoft is a sport where players from all walks of life can come up together and take an amazing experience together. At Ballahack Airsoft, nosotros believe in creating an inclusive environment that is safe for all of our customers, which includes players as immature as ten years of age. With all of that being said, the post-obit items will not be permitted at Ballahack Airsoft Field or Ballahack Tactical. If you have them on your equipment, you lot may remove them and proceed to play, but Ballahack Airsoft reserves the correct to remove any player from the belongings without refund:

  • Whatever clothing, patches, or stickers exhibiting hate symbols, such as the Swastika, SS Bolts, or other Nazi symbology. WWII era German language guns & equipment will be permitted, only only sanitized of any historically charged symbols.
  • Whatever clothing, patches, or stickers exhibiting excessive profanity.
  • Any vesture, patches, or stickers exhibiting sexually explicit content.

All Players are required to sign a digital waiver.  Minors must have their waiver signed past a parent or legal guardian.  Our digital waiver system makes it easy for you lot. ClickHERE.

PLEASE Bulldoze SAFELY when coming to and from the Field.  Always keep your airsoft guns in a gun bag and in a safe location.

If Theres Very Bad Weather During a Airsoft Game Do They Cancel It at Ballahack

Posted by: garciasubsed.blogspot.com

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